Providence Montessori

Our History


In 1965, a group of parents established the Lexington Montessori Society. Their goal to promote the Montessori method of education in this region of the country was fulfilled in a very short time. With the help of the group of parents, Sr. Marcia Jehn, a member of the Sisters of Divine Providence from northern Kentucky, started a class at St. Peter Claver School. The following year, Sr. Mary Cletus arrived to begin a second class. The school flourished and very quickly reached capacity of 100 children. Materials were purchased, the building and grounds were beautified and a parent advisory board supported the efforts of Sr. Marcia and Sr. Cletus in creating a remarkable school.

As time passed there was growing interest to expand the school to include an elementary program. During the school year of 1982-83, St. Peter Claver Church determined that they wanted to use the school building for other programs. In the spring of 1983 the parent board worked with Sr. Marcia and Sr. Cletus to begin plans for a new school. The Sisters of Divine Providence rose to support the school by backing a loan and selling a piece of the property on Texaco Road on easy terms. With the generous help and support of parents, two more extensions of property were purchased, the Sisters backed three more loans, and the school qualified for municipal bonds. Over the years, parents continued to support expansions of the school. In addition to building a residence with a three-vehicle garage and storage loft, Providence completed its fourth addition to the building including a library, life lab, an upper elementary wing and another 6-9 class.

The new school was named Providence Montessori, in honor of the Sisters of Divine Providence, who were the school’s supporters and benefactors.

The dictionary definition of providence proves it to be a very fitting name:

providence [ prov-i-duhns ]-

1. Care or preparation in advance; foresight.
2. Prudent management; economy.
3. Guardianship, direction, watching over

Providence is proud of its history of dedicated parents, staff and benefactors. Every year brings a new group of parents and staff who carry on this tradition of excellence for the children.

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